Richard Crookes - Inner City High School

"Veyor has helped us coordinate our subbies and suppliers on-site without the need for constant back and forth. Given the site location, it's been critical that we use Veyor to collaborate on the schedule and communicate site restrictions efficiently"

Andrew Gulliford, Site Manager


Traditionally, the Richard Crookes site teams have coordinated their suppliers and subcontractors using a whiteboard, phone, and pen & paper. Prioritising the site’s daily schedule took up a majority of the Site Manager, Andrew’s work day. Truck arrival and departure details were also recorded manually in the site diary and any changes to the site like school zones or gate access had to be communicated via email. Furthermore, particular suppliers were charging the project wait times if their trucks were not unloaded at the designated time. With no way to cross-reference the agreed arrival time and actual wait time, the project had to wear these additional supplier costs. 


Veyor was implemented on the site and used by the site team, subcontractors, suppliers and traffic controllers. This has created a single point of communication and source of truth for the site. Subcontractors and suppliers now use Veyor to book deliveries and request the use of assets like cranes, ahead of time. This provides greater certainty on when they are to arrive on-site and when material handling assets will be available. 

The system makes management of logistics more streamlined and easier for the site management to alter schedules on the day and communicate to all affected parties. Everybody now has access to the most up-to-date schedule, asset specifications, and site restrictions (like school zones) eliminating the need for most phone calls and emails. 

Suppliers are kept honest about their wait time charges and actual arrival times as traffic controllers now use Veyor to record the arrival and departure times of trucks and can take and attach pictures of license plates to the delivery bookings. Unscheduled deliveries are also recorded and used to assess poor-performing subcontractors.  


  • The site team can now communicate to all stakeholders what is planned for the day including any changes, resulting in significant time saved for the team. 
  • Site Manager, Andrew rated the site logistics before implementing Veyor as a 4/10. Since implementing the system site logistics has improved to a 9/10. 
  • Using the verified arrival and departure times, the site has saved further costs by reducing disagreements with suppliers and couriers that claim wait time costs

"Now Veyor is being used on the site, suppliers know exactly what time they are to arrive and that their actual arrival and departure times will be recorded. This gives us something to verify any wait time charges against and has led to a significant reduction in supplier wait time costs. The site has already saved at least $5-10k by removing wait time disagreements with suppliers and couriers” Marco Pozo, Contracts Administrator

Project Details

Richard Crookes was contracted to redevelop the Senior School Campus of a high-profile secondary school in Sydney. The redevelopment consists of a new major building, a car park, and a state-of-the-art aquatic and fitness centre. The site is located next to a major road in a densely populated area. In addition, the school remains open during the redevelopment further complicating the already limited access.