How Terentius Construction Is Stepping Into The 21st Century Thanks To Veyor

“Get with the 21st century.”

Alexander Allan

Veyor’s  Digital Whiteboard Is The New Favourite

After dealing with unfeasible manual systems during the early stages of the project, Alexander decided to go digital with Veyor. As someone who likes digital solutions, he saw the great value that the app would bring him and his team. Now, instead of spending time in meetings trying to sort out the next day, subcontractors book a time for their deliveries and Alexander approves or manages all of them at the end of the day.

“I just review it in the afternoons for the next day, shift things around and then send it out.”

Accountability Over Expensive Crane Time 

Assets such as the crane are expensive, costing a whooping $400 per extra hour, making the project’s cost skyrocket. So, as a Site Manager, Alexander needs to keep everything organised and coordinated to avoid delays. 

Veyor makes things “very clear and pretty straightforward”. Thanks to the Digital Whiteboard, and his increased visibility of the delivery schedule, Alexander can plan days ahead of time. Meanwhile, as Veyor collects the data and streamlines it into a visual insights dashboard, Alexander can hold his team and subcontractors accountable.

“[Veyor] makes the whole process easier because it keeps everybody accountable for their crane usage.”

Learn And Book In Minutes 

Veyor has not only helped Alexander organise his day and be more productive but the construction logistics software has also helped his subcontractors get back their autonomy. With its extremely user-friendly and intuitive design, Veyor is just like a digital whiteboard with no learning curve. Subcontractors and suppliers learn how to use it very quickly. 

“It took 5 minutes to show them”

No Fear Of Technology With Veyor

Construction is one of the biggest industries in Australia but it still has one of the lowest technology adoption rates in the country. Alexander is one step ahead, switching from ineffective manual systems to more efficient digital solutions, and he recommends other site managers make the change too.  

“Get with the 21st century.”

About The Parade 

Designed by PTW, The Parade in West Ryde started construction in 2020. The project comprises three residential apartment buildings that make up 150 apartments and a basement. It is located in the heart of a busy and narrow area, forcing Terentius Constructions to get smart with handling the logistics of the site. 

Stuck In The 20th Century

Alexander Allan is the Site Manager at Terentius Constructions in charge of The Parade project in West Ryde. He looks after the site, making sure the logistics are running smoothly and the project will be delivered on time. 

In the early stages of the project, Alexander and his team used a manual crane board to manage their logistics. Bookings were sent through via text messages to different members of staff, often leading to conflicting booking times. Hours were spent each week moving bookings around and communicating back to the Subcontractors.

The biggest problems that the team at The Parade faced were:

  • Miscommunication
  • Wasted time
  • Low productivity
  • Impractical manual systems 

After a while of struggling with these problems, Alexander got tired of running daily meetings and relying on a decentralised system.