How Lendlease is saving 9,100 hours with Veyor on the HMAS Watson project

“For me, I can do it from anywhere. I approve deliveries on the beach or I can work from home.”

Elvis Kovacevic, Logistics Manager, Lendlease

About The Project & Lendlease 

HMAS Watson is the premier Royal Australian Navy maritime warfare training establishment and is home to hundreds of students; from commanding officers to first year trainees. But the facilities have seen the passing of the years. 

That is why Lendlease, one of the biggest construction companies in Australia, was awarded the contract to completely upgrade the base’s infrastructure, build  additional training centres and improve existing training facilities. Having started construction in 2020, the $389 million dollar contract seeks to finish modernising the base by mid 2026.

Without Veyor It’s Chaos

Having foreseen all of these, Elvis engaged Veyor early on to make sure the logistics were sorted from the very first stage. With Veyor’s app, suppliers and subcontractors can book a delivery time and receive route and site requirements and restrictions automatically. On the other side, Elvis approves and manages the bookings to make sure everything is organised efficiently.

“It saves me hours every day.”

Erasing The Need For Hours-Long Meetings 

Now thanks to Veyor, Elvis doesn’t have to fight with subcontractors and deal with the chaos of multiple deliveries showing up unannounced. Now he gets more time to be on the ground, managing the most important aspects of the project. Veyor also has erased the need of hours-long meetings or having to chase up subcontractors to communicate any changes which has resulted in the team on-site becoming more efficient. 

“[Without Veyor] I think it would be horrible. Trying to chase up each and every subcontractor for each and every work element…it’s crazy trying to get that information in a daily run sheet.”

Tracking Heavy Vehicles In Real Time

Drivers and subcontractors use Veyor to book delivery times and submit their pre-start safety checks. Meanwhile, Elvis and his team use Veyor to manage the bookings and track everyone’s compliance when transporting heavy materials. 

“On days when the site is busy and congested by multiple deliveries, I can see what's happening at any given time.” 

All Your Deliveries In The Palm Of Your Hand

Elvis knows exactly how much the roads can handle thanks to his experience. With the help of Veyor, instead of sending trucks away to do loops around the site and wait for their turn, he has full visibility and control to decide which deliveries should be going first and which ones to push back for later. 

“[Veyor] it’s just so good. I look after everything that comes in on base, so [with Veyor] I can see what we can handle and can't.”

A Healthier Work-Life Balance With Veyor

Like many others, Elvis treasures his time on and off site. He loves going down to the beach and enjoying the sea and now, thanks to Veyor’s mobile app, he can enjoy the sand while at work. His work-life balance has become healthier, and his job becomes that much more enjoyable when done remotely. 

“For me, I can do it from anywhere. I approve deliveries on the beach or I can work from home.”

A Game Changer

Veyor helps Elvis accomplish more during his day, taking on the burden of trivial logistics so Elvis can do what he is best at. Managing. Even though most of his days are hectic and full of work, there are days when he can relax and enjoy the sun without worrying about congestion on-site and compliance liabilities.

Every day, Elvis saves 2 hours of his valuable time by avoiding meetings and unnecessary chaos. He plans deliveries weeks ahead of time, prioritising and managing the logistics while enjoying the beautiful view of Watson Bay Beach or from the comfort of his home. 

“I recommend Veyor to everyone. To my colleagues on other projects, my first recommendation is always: use this app”

Without Tech, Mayhem Ensues

Elvis Kovacevic is the logistics manager at Lendlease in charge of the HMAS Watson Redevelopment project. He looks after the planning of deliveries and materials handling. With the base being a busy training centre, he has to be constantly on the lookout, keeping his time flexible to be able to deal with unexpected challenges.

Even before starting he knew the project would be a tricky one. Contrary to other big sites he has worked on, HMAS Watson has multiple fronts and elements with various entry points, and the site is surrounded by the narrow suburban roads of Watson Bay. Of course, without a proper system in place, mayhem ensues. 

The biggest problems of Lendlease in HMAS Watson Bay:

  • Planning around multiple entry points 
  • Sticking to compliance rules
  • Managing multiple teams and subcontractors
  • Staying out of the Navy officers and trainees’ way
  • Managing the schedule efficiently to make the most out of every day
  • Dealing with strict restrictions
  • Communicating road rules to drivers

Being able to manage the logistics of such a site would require to “sit down in endless meetings every day with each and every subcontractor, or they’d have to email a list of what comes in”, leaving Elvis fending for himself and trying to organise everything manually.