Kane Constructions - Australian Museum

"With a very limited space and one loading dock as the only material handling point for the build, seamless management of material handling and booking of deliveries was integral to the success of the project."

Chris Howard, Site Manager

The Problem

The Australian Museum project was no standard refurb. The project was a $70M refurbishment within a busy operational museum with only one shared loading dock area to feed a single tower crane and goods lift. To make matters more difficult, the heritage building is situated centrally in the CBD having only one tight entrance with space for only one truck at a time.

Scheduling of deliveries and the use of the goods lift and crane was absolutely critical to ensure productivity was maintained. Further to this, the schedule needed to be shared with the museum staff, so that they could ensure their own deliveries were able to access at required times.

The Solution

Veyor was implemented on the project to provide one central platform for the site management, subcontractors, suppliers, plant operators and traffic controllers to plan and coordinate deliveries and materials handling.  All deliveries and the use of the assets such as the crane, forklift and goods lift were booked in using the Veyor app, which provided the extended workforce and supply chain real-time visibility of the availability of assets.

Subcontractors had the ability to look ahead of time and enter delivery and crane time requests for the builder to approve, creating greater transparency across the site and ensuring accountability. The builder could also block out days/times with disruptive activities, such as crane services or concrete pours.

An added benefit with the system was being able to share the app with the museum operators, who could monitor free times and coordinate bookings that were required for the operating museum.

The Results

  • 60-70% less time saved on phone calls and in materials handling/crane meetings
  • 10-12 less unnecessary daily phone calls for the site manager
  • Fewer clashes and disputes now around deliveries and crane lifts
  • Less cancellations and overtime
  • More forward planning of days ahead
  • Loading dock manager and crane operator are better informed of the day's activity and what's coming up
  • Reduced risk in program delays

The site manager's 3 top benefits:

  1. Removing need to ring/meet contractors at a certain time throughout day to manage deliveries and materials handling
  2. Full visibility for subcontractors and principal contractor when deliveries are booked for delivery
  3. Full visibility of busy days ahead of time so deliveries can be made at alternate times if possible

Project Details - The Australian Museum

Kane Constructions was appointed to deliver Project Discover, the major renovation of the Australian Museum. Australia’s oldest Museum is an iconic tourist attraction of state and national heritage significance, centrally located in the CBD, opposite Sydney’s Hyde Park. The project was a $70M refurbishment, within the operational museum.