Veyor desktop

Basics Tips to Get Started

Easily Add Your Team & Subcontractors

Add or remove your team and subcontractors by clicking on the Admin button in the Menu, and the clicking “Add Users”.  Note - you will only be able to see the Admin button in the menu if you have been assigned as an Admin User.

You can assign your users role so that they have the correct privileges.  i.e. a Subcontractor should be a “Requestor” and a general foreman might be a Site Approver or an Asset Approver over certain assets, like just the materials hoist and one loading zone for example.  

Click on a Booking to Edit, Decline, Approve etc.

If you are a Site Approver or the Asset Approver for the asset where the booking has been made, you can easily click on the booking and approve, decline or edit it.

You can also edit any bookings that you have made as a Requestor at anytime.

Editing bookings can be as easy as dragging and dropping the booking to a new time, or by extending or shrinking the booking to adjust the allocated time.

Save Time by Making a Quick Entry Booking

As part of the general contractor’s team, a quick form booking will help you save time.  

A quick form booking just means that you can skip a number of the required fields on a standard booking form, like material dimensions, lifting apparatus etc and therefore you can quickly add basic bookings that don’t require a lot of detail.