Veyor has deployed a Data API that will help our customers seamlessly access their site data stored in Veyor. With this new programmatic access, in-house data analysts and developers can combine the data in Veyor with other organization data sets to extract even more meaningful insights on their projects.

What does this mean for our customers?

The API will allow you real time access to data collected in Veyor due to all the site activities managed in Veyor. This includes data associated with your various sites, users on those sites, bookings for those sites, and vehicle and traffic movements.    

You can use the same API to pull data into BI tools like PowerBI or Tableau, and in turn create customized dashboards that augment the ones already provided in Veyor.

For the technically minded

The Restful API has been built using industry best practices for security, scalability & availability. Comprehensive API  documentation as well as a set of samples will allow your development teams to hit the ground running.  

If you want to learn more or are ready to get started using the Data API, contact our Customer Success team. They will issue you with all the necessary information as well as the security credentials you need to use the API.