Powering Logistics

View and Attach Photos or Documents on a Booking

Attachments are an easy way to add important information to bookings.  

For example, you may need to attach a engineering certificate for a specific material lift on the crane.  Just take a photo of the document or attach the file to the booking.  It will be automatically saved to that booking and easily retrieved at any time.

Your traffic controllers or crane crew might also take photos of dockets or loads that turned up in an unsafe state, that way they are always saved to the booking and are easily retrievable.

Assign a Driver and Track the Incoming Truck

Its simple to assign your driver to a delivery, which provides a number of benefits:
  1. You know that the driver has viewed the site induction document and completed any pre start checks;
  2. You will be able to check the live location of the truck once the driver starts the trip, meaning your team is not hanging around waiting for a truck when it is stuck in traffic and still 20 minutes away;
  3. Your truck driver has access to the site information and site contact details, to ensure a smooth entry.

Check the Status of All Your Bookings

When you just want to get a quick snapshot of your bookings go to My Bookings in the menu.  It’ll show you all your bookings and their status - i.e. Confirmed, Pending or Arrived/Completed.

You could also use your My Bookings page to quickly find your bookings to add a necessary attachment (crane cert, docket etc.) or to assign a driver to the booking so you can keep an eye on the truck on its way to site.