Powering Logistics

Check the Delivery History to Verify Information

When you need to verify details of a past booking, including what day it happened, who made it, when it arrived (assuming your traffic controllers recorded this info) and the attached docket, then you can just open the delivery history, quick search and retrieve.

This is a great way to prove delivery and service dates/times and to verify claims.

Save Your Repetitive Bookings as a Template

When you are making the same booking over and over, you can just save it down as a template which means you can make the next booking with all the detail in a matter of seconds.  

You just need to click “Save Template” on your filled out booking, and “Apply Template” when you are ready to make the next booking.

Use Planning Mode to Re-Shuffle the Schedule

When you need to make a number of changes to the schedule due to an event such as weather, wind or an incident on site, the planning mode turns what used to be an arduous task into an effortless procedure.

Just hit the planning mode button, start dragging and dropping the bookings into their desired location and when your happy with the new schedule, hit resume notifications and everyone who is affected by the changes will be instantly notified.

This is great tool for those wet weather days when you need to be selective on shifting only weather affected bookings.